Feeding the soul

One of my greatest joys in life is finding food. Don’t laugh: Finding it in the fridge is good. If it’s actually made into something tasty, then that’s even better. What I mean, though, is finding it outside. Growing wild. On the hill, in the woods, along the shore, among the hedgerows. There is something …

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New ways of seeing

How blessed we have been, confined to place, to have found ourselves ‘imprisoned’ in such a naturally bountiful area with almost infinite possibilities for wild exploring. From rocky, salt-washed coastlines to inky, silent lochans secreted into upland folds; tangled birchwoods scattered with primroses, bluebells and now, chanterelles; still, calm waters where black-throated divers lead their …

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May musings

Already, it is May. How strange, the way time moves. Sometimes it gallops; sometimes, it crawls. Occasionally it appears to do both at the same time. We have been in lockdown now for around seven weeks. We are still very lucky here in Assynt, in that we can get out and enjoy the wilderness without …

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Lockdown Spring

Today I sat down and put my virtual pen to paper. I realised with disbelief and some embarassment how long it is since I wrote anything here, and I vowed – I vow – to change my behaviour. From now on there will be regular updates, I promise. How strange that it should take something …

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Busman’s holiday

Hello everyone, This time I’m writing from very warm and sunny Sri Lanka, where I have to come to recheck accommodation and arrangements for my up and coming ‘Vistas’ Sketching Holidays. Yes! The website is now written, made and live, and you can see it here: www.sketchingholidays.co.uk I do hope to see some of you …

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Pottering, potting and pots

Although we are now a couple of weeks past the summer solstice, you wouldn’t know it, as we in the ‘Frozen North’ are still waiting for good weather. As I write the mountains of Suilven and Canisp are still under their duvets and look as if they will stay there all day. The strong winds …

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September 2014

So suddenly the summer of 2014, which has been a relatively dry and often hot one, is hurtling to a close. The bracken is golden amongst the purple heather and the trees are slowly, if reluctantly, beginning to develop the odd yellow leaf. It is by no means autumn yet though, and chanterelles continue to …

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