A mug for a mug

Two things need to happen each day to ensure I’m functioning fully as a responsible adult. Firstly, and before leaving the house: tea. Then later, preferably mid-morning, one perfect coffee, which acts as breakfast. If it’s not perfect, I might need to have another one, but this will be disappointing (and costly) on all fronts. …

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New Start

I cried when my father drove our Mercedes Benz away to swap it for another one, which looked no better to me. It wasn’t the first time, either. It seemed that as soon as we got used to one old, second-hand car, he’d be trading it in for another. I couldn’t see the point, and …

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Mystery in Suburbia

Rummaging in a box of photos, I find one I’ve forgotten. Three figures sit on a rock at the summit of a Lakeland peak; is it Langdale Pike or Bowfell? I was dragged up most of them at some point in my childhood, protesting every minute of the uphill slog; absorbing the view from the …

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Never stop shouting!

Today I tried a little experiment. I shared a post on Facebook. Something important, (one could argue, vital), about which I feel very strongly. I have nearly five hundred ‘followers’ on social media, nearly all are actual friends or known acquaintances; linked to me, supposedly, by shared values, experiences or interests. I sincerely doubt that …

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Music to my ears

Sometimes you just need a wee treat. Taking a break from my current memoir-writing immersion – I’m into the final furlong now, and have nearly completed the first draft of my 15,000 words submission, the last assignment of my Masters – I grabbed a music-loving pal and made my second visit to the Rewind 80’s …

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Like a pig in clover

We sat on the grass verges outside our house in summer, eating clover flowers. Purple or white, they all tasted sweet, though Mum was concerned: ‘A dog may have peed on them!’ she’d proclaim. She never stopped us, though. We’d make daisy chains, as well, late into the evening, our tiny fingernails making slits the …

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